

Manori Colibri

What is it?

❃ A small company based in France since 2021 🇫🇷.

❃ The manufacture of sustainable, ethical, eco-responsible, handmade Cork Accessories in Manori's workshop 🙌

❃ The way to consume differently ☞ "Less but Better" 🌍

Who is it?

❃ I'm Manori ☾☞ anagram of Marion☽, 30 years old for two years ☺︎, mom of two Little Hummingbirds. Having at heart to be in harmony with nature and my ecological principles, I try a little more every day to "do my part" 🌱

❃ Graduated as a Specialized Technical Educator in 2009, I have accompanied teenagers in social reintegration; adults and children with disabilities. "Touching all", I animated manual workshops in order to accompany these different publics to find their place in the society while sensitizing the population to "The difference" 🤝

❃ I changed my path in 2021 by embarking on the extraordinary adventure of entrepreneurship. Why this 360 degree turn? Thanks to a person who allowed me a meeting! ☾I explain☽. Manual since always, I had been practicing sewing for a few years. Mr M ☾the chosen one of my ♡☽, knowing my strong taste for the environmental cause, told me one day that he had found the perfect material for me ☞ a cork fabric. Neither one, nor two, I place an order and it was an immediate Coup de Foudre ☼

Manori Colibri was born!

Why this name?

❃ Manori ☞ Simply the anagram of Marion, my first name.

❃ Colibri ☞ In reference to The Legend of the Hummingbird taken up by the Frenchman Pierre Rabhi to illustrate the importance of Small Gestures of each for the environmental cause.